Monday, March 16, 2015

Wrapping up Basketball Season- CC Tournament Results

Congratulations to all our basketball teams who made it to the Coordinating Council Tournaments this year.

Our teams faired very well.

The Haight Bench and Fox Pointe men both made it to the semi-final games, as did the Baer Creek Young Women.

The Highlands Priests team went through to the quarterfinals before losing. The Oak Hollow and Haight Bench Priest teams also participated. Meanwhile, the Highlands Young Women also made it to the quarterfinals.

As for the Teachers division, our Stake sent three teams. The undefeated South Bench team played and won a double overtime game in the opening round; before losing a heartbreaker in overtime in the quarterfinals on Thursday. The Fox Pointe/Windridge (lost to the eventual champions) combined team and Oak Hollow Teachers also competed in the tournament.

Thank you to all our Stake Referees, as well as the Men's and Women's Sports Councils for all their service in making this season a success. We couldn't do it without you.

-- Ben Johnson

Monday, March 2, 2015

Coordinating Council Basketball Tournaments

The Coordinating Council 'Region' Basketball Tournaments will commence on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week (March 5,6,7) and finish next week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (March 12,13,14).

Haight Creek Stake CC Tournament Berths:

Young Women
1. Baer Creek
2. Highlands

Young Men- Teachers
1. South Bench
2. Oak Hollow
3. Windridge/ Fox Pointe

Young Men- Priests
1. Highlands
2. Haight Bench
3. Oak Hollow

1. Fox Pointe
2. Haight Bench

Also, congratulations to the Fox Pointe Deacons team, coached by Jeff Gwynn, which made it to the Coordinating Council Deacons Tournament Championship Game! The Young Men making up that team were:

Alema 'Max' Tupuola

Brock Mutchie

Devan Gwynn

Dylan Perrenoud

Ian Morgan

Jeremy Morgan

Luke Johnson

Will Rigby

Great job Fox Pointe Deacons! You made us proud!