Monday, November 17, 2014

2014-15 Basketball Rules

Notable Rules for 2014-2015 Stake Basketball Season

·      All players are allowed to play on one team.
·      Before season begins, each Young Man who has an age 14 or 16 birthday between November 22nd , 2014 and March 1st of 2015 must choose one team to play with all season long.
o     To reiterate, no Young Man can play for more than one team.
·      Rosters for Young Men must have a birthday, player and parents signatures. All of these requirements must be completed on the roster, in order for a Young Man to participate.
·      Players must reside within Stake boundaries. Any players living outside of Stake boundaries, wishing to participate on teams- must fill out a waiver form. This can be obtained from Ben Johnson., (801) 231-7008. The waiver will then be presented before a member of the Stake Presidency, for a ruling on whether the player can play or not.
·      Any Young Men playing on any High School Team are ineligible to play for their ward team, in accordance with church policy. This applies to all high school teams: Freshmen, Sophomore, JV, Varsity.
·      Players should arrive 10 minutes before the game time.
·      Coaches/players will fill out lineup sheets, which will be checked against Team Rosters. Both teams fill in the lineup sheet with name of player and jersey number. Stake Sports Council member will transfer the data from the lineup sheets to fill out the scorebook.
·      Team captain must be appointed prior to each game and these captains will be designated on the lineup sheets. The referees will be notified of the identity of the team captains.
·      The team captain is the only member of the team allowed to speak to the referees during the game.
·      Scorekeepers should be obtained from the spectators/crowd for YM’s games.  For Men’s games, the Sports Council will run the clock and keep the score.
Stake Rules to be aware of:
·      6:00 minute clock, stops on all whistles, no running clock.
·      Halftime: 3:00 minutes.
·      Timeouts: each team gets 3- Full (1 Minute) and 2- 30 second timeouts. When called, the team/coach must indicate to the referees and scorekeepers whether the timeout is a full or 30-sec TO. If not indicated,  the scorekeeper will decide!
·      Forfeits will be declared five minutes after listed starting time. Teams can start games with four players, but must have a fifth player by the end of the 2nd quarter- or the game becomes a forfeit.
·      Young Men games: all young men must play at least 25% of the game or six minutes. This will be tracked in the scorebook.
o     Young Men: substitutes will come to scorer’s table with jersey number of player they are going in for. This includes subs at the beginning of quarters, halves or after timeouts.
·      Technical fouls count as team and individual fouls.
·      Offensive and loose ball fouls also count as team and individual fouls.
·      Any vocalized chatter whether directed at an official or indirectly commented, incurs a technical foul and mandatory 3:00 minutes on the bench. Any arguing between players of opposite teams incurs the same penalty (technical foul).
·      Stake Sports Committee Member has final say to back up officials, issue penalties and call off games if needed.
·      No unsportsmanlike behavior will be tolerated. This is a friendly competition!
·      Overtime periods will be 2:00 minutes in length. Each team is granted an additional full timeout. Timeouts do carry over from half to half and to overtime.
High School Basketball Rule Changes in 2014-15:
·      Basketball rules follow High School Rules. Rulebook can be found in Orange Stake Basketball folder.
·      Major rule change in 2014-15: Players may leave the foul lane spots on the release of the ball from the free throw shooter.
o     All players behind the free throw line/ 3-point line, including the shooter, may not enter the lane until the ball has hit the rim or backboard.
·      Check out the Stake Sports Blog: for updates, schedules, schedule changes, standings and game results.

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