Monday, December 28, 2015

Young Women's Basketball Schedule

Kaysville Haight Creek Stake
Young Women’s Basketball 2016

The first team listed will be the home team and will be responsible for the prayer. The other team will lead the theme.

January 14, 2016             6:15           Baer Creek   vs   Highlands
At Stake Center               7:00          Haight Bench/Hess Farms   vs   Windridge/Oak Hollow
                                         7:45          Fox Pointe   vs   South Bench 
January 21, 2016              6:15         Windridge/Oak Hollow   vs   Fox Pointe
At Stake Center                7:00         Highlands   vs   South Bench
                                          7:45         Baer Creek   vs   Haight Bench/Hess Farms
January 28, 2016              6:15          Haight Bench/Hess Farms   vs   Highlands
At Stake Center                7:00          Fox Pointe   vs   Baer Creek
                                          7:45          South Bench   vs   Windridge/Oak Hollow 

February 11, 2016            6:15          Baer Creek   vs   Windridge/Oak Hollow 
At Stake Center                7:00          Highlands   vs   Fox Pointe
                                          7:45         Haight Bench/Hess Farms   vs   South Bench
February 18, 2016            6:15         Fox Pointe   vs   Haight Bench/Hess Farms
At Stake Center                7:00        South Bench   vs   Baer Creek 
                                          7:45        Windridge/Oak Hollow   vs   Highlands
February 25, 2016            6:15        Windridge /Oak Hollow   vs   Haight Bench/Hess Farms
At Stake Center                7:00        South Bench   vs   Fox Pointe
                                          7:45        Highlands   vs   Baer Creek  

We’re excited for the upcoming basketball season and are looking forward to seeing all of you.  We have 4 wards combined again which makes a total of six teams for stake play so each team will play every week. All games are played at the Stake Center.  Please be at the church at least 10 minutes before game time.  You can start with 4 players if needed, but you must have 5 players by the end of the 1st qtr. Teams will forfeit 5 minutes after game time if they do not have the needed 4 players.
Please make sure all girls know and are dressed appropriately to play church ball.    No sleeveless shirts.  They need to wear gym shoes. This year we are asking that shorts be to their knees.  No shorts above the knees unless they wear leggings under them. Remember, we are playing in the Lord’s house and we need to be dressed modestly.
We will be using good sportsmanship = 0 – 5 points along with win/loss points as follows. Win = 5 points, loss = 2 points, forfeit = 0 points. Referees and scorekeepers determine earning and loss of points.  
As a reminder, girls who play on the Jr. High team may play. Girls who play on a high school team cannot play church ball.  Girls need to play at least one game in stake play to be eligible to play with their team in region play. The top 2 teams will play in region which is scheduled for March 3rd, 4th, 5th  and 10th, 11th, and 12th.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for all you do.
Colleen Taylor    801-725-0833

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